
Brand construction of Gannan navel orange

The brand of “Gannan Navel Orange” has been developed so far. I can sum up that there are eight inspirations.

1、 We should not only select the right industry, but also select the right variety

The development of industry should first be based on the local natural endowments. The so-called “one side of water and soil nourishes one side of people”. Similarly, “one side of water and soil breeds one side of agricultural products”. Climatic conditions vary from place to place. What kind of varieties are good for a place?

I think the varieties are all good, but the best one is the one most suitable for the local area.

The reason why Gannan navel orange becomes “Gannan navel orange” is the result of selection. At the beginning of the development of the citrus industry, there were six categories of citrus, orange, orange, pomelo, kumquat and lemon to choose. Why did you choose Newhall navel orange? Because we have tried all the good varieties, Newhall navel orange is the most suitable variety for southern Jiangxi.

Influenced by climate and other factors, different varieties have different performances in different regions. Newhall varieties have a good performance in southern Jiangxi, but their performance in other places is average. So for Gannan, Newhall is the most suitable and best variety.

The choice of varieties is afraid of following the crowd blindly. I think the biggest problem in the development of fruit industry is that varieties follow the trend blindly. Because many good varieties perform well in a certain place and the market benefits are good, all regions follow in a swarm, and finally a good variety is messed up.

Therefore, I say that it is important to select the right industry for the development of industry, and it is more important to select the most suitable varieties for the local area. Only in this way can a real estate industry form its own advantages and competitiveness. This is one of the inspirations of the success of Gannan navel orange.

2、 Pay attention not only to industrial development, but also to ecological protection

Most fruits are planted on barren hills and slopes, and most navel oranges in southern Jiangxi are planted on barren hills and slopes. Poor treatment is likely to cause water and soil loss, which is not conducive to ecological protection. However, planting fruits on barren hills and slopes also has the advantage of not competing with grain for land. Especially now, the country has proposed to keep the “red line of cultivated land” to ensure food security.

I believe that the development and planting of fruits in mountainous areas should be combined with ecological protection, and the concept of “green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains” should be carried through the entire industrial development. Respect for nature, respect for nature and protect ecology are the principles of industrial development that we must follow. Otherwise, the loss will outweigh the gain.

The fruit planting practice tells us that where the development pays attention to ecological protection, the industrial development can complement each other, and where the development violates the ecological protection principle, the industrial development cannot continue. Therefore, we should pay attention to both industrial development and ecological protection when developing industries. This is the second revelation.

3、 Not only scale, but also moderate scale

The development of industries requires not only scale, but also moderate scale. If the scale is too small to make a big contribution, the industry will have no market voice, influence and benefit, but if the scale is too large, there will be no benefit. Why? If supply exceeds demand, it will be sold at a low price. This is the truth of the so-called “rare is precious”.

The problem of scale is often ignored in the vigorous development. Many industries have sprung up in recent years, but they are blind. From the perspective of producers, the more species, the better, and the larger the scale, the better. But from the perspective of market rules and industrial development, the larger the scale, the better. The inspiration of Gannan navel orange to me is that we should have a moderate scale. It is not allowed to be too small or too large.

I think the appropriate scale should match the three.

First, it matches the ecology. That is to say, it is necessary to have both golden mountains and silver mountains as well as green waters and green mountains. The industrial scale should consider the local ecological affordability.

The second is to match the market demand. Some places only consider how to expand the industry rapidly and blindly, but do not consider how to “sell” in advance. If the industrial scale does not match the market demand, it will not be strong. Especially if supply exceeds demand, the industry will not be strong at all. At present, the whole citrus industry has been oversaturated in the market for four or five years, and several good new varieties have been ruined in recent years, largely because of blind expansion, resulting in oversupply of the market.

The third is to match the labor force. Now the common phenomenon is “it is difficult to ask for work”. Most of the farmers have gone to cities to work, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly people who stay in the countryside. A few years later, who will plant the fruit is a big problem. At present, “labor shortage” has generally occurred in fruit production. If the industrial development does not match the labor force, it is easy to cause many orchards to lose control. Once the orchard is out of management, all kinds of diseases and pests will easily spread, causing a vicious circle.

Therefore, the development of industries must adhere to the basic principle of appropriate scale and achieve the above three matches. This is the biggest enlightenment I think the development of Gannan navel orange has ever had.

4、 Not only should the government lead, but also scientists, entrepreneurs and farmers’ parents should participate

The development of industries requires not only government leadership, but also scientific and technological support, as well as the participation of enterprises and farmers. I need “four” for short – politicians, scientists, entrepreneurs and farmers’ parents.

Why should farmers be the main body? Because farmers do not intervene and participate, how can we achieve common prosperity. Why Entrepreneurs? Because entrepreneurs bring in capital, they can use the concept of industrialization to promote the standardization and mechanization of agriculture, and use the concept of commercialization to promote branding and marketization. The government plays a leading role, which is clear to everyone. The importance of technology need not be repeated.

Only when these four “families” are combined can the industry prosper. This is the fourth enlightenment.

5、 We should not only implement standardized production, but also do a good job in commercialized operation

Planting well is the premise and foundation, while selling well is the purpose and result. In my opinion, only good planting can sell well, and only good selling can grow well. The two are dialectical relations of mutual influence.

Standardized production is the basis and guarantee of good planting. Now it is difficult to implement standardization, because we focus on household production, but we must persist in doing it no matter how difficult it is.

Commercialization operation solves how to sell well, including many aspects, such as market development, brand building, supply chain management, etc. Just from picking to entering the market, there are many links. Only when the supply chain is well done can we talk about commercialization. The process of agricultural products commercialization is the process of supply chain management. Products must be commercialized to achieve branding. This is the fifth revelation.

6、 We should not only attach importance to brand building, but also do a good job in brand protection

Different groups have different views on brands.

For farmers at the production end, brands represent high premiums and good prices. Just like our Gannan navel orange, with the brand of “Gannan navel orange”, it costs one or two yuan more than other navel oranges per kilogram. This is the most intuitive embodiment. What does a brand represent for a purchaser? I think it represents recognition, channels and sources of goods. For consumers, brand represents trust, safety, quality, health and enjoyment of a better life.

These are the reasons why I think we should build a brand. However, it is difficult to brand agricultural products. Why? Because once the industry reaches a certain scale, it is difficult to manage, and once the brand is famous, the management and protection will be more difficult. So far, there are few hundred year old agricultural product brands in the country, which is our goal of Gannan Navel Orange. Therefore, we should pay attention to both brand building and brand protection. This is the sixth enlightenment.

7、 We should not only develop the planting industry, but also pay attention to the integration of three industries

To develop industry, we should not only focus on planting industry, but also on industrial agglomeration, integration of three industries, and treat the whole industrial chain as an industrial cluster. The development of Gannan navel orange is just this idea. At present, an industrial cluster with a total output value of more than 10 billion yuan has been formed, including 7.2 billion yuan for fresh fruits and 9.4 billion yuan for other processing and commercial circulation.

Develop the industry according to the development idea of industrial cluster, control the varieties and seedlings above, control the brands and channels below, and control the standards and traceability in the middle, so as to form a coordinated process of pre production and post production, form the integration of storage, graded packaging and logistics, expand fruit machinery and deep processing, and develop a combination of leisure and cultural tourism. Only through industrial agglomeration and integration of the three industries can the maximum economic and social benefits of the industry be brought into play and the added value of the industry be maximized.

Looking back at Gannan navel orange, graded packaging, storage and processing, logistics and transportation, leisure tourism, etc. have all developed because we regard Gannan navel orange as an industrial cluster. This is the seventh revelation.

8、 Not only should there be competent industrial departments, but also the coordination of relevant departments and associations

To develop industries, I think we should build three organizational systems.

First, build a modern industrial organization management system. Throughout the country, there is a strong department in charge of industries that have done well. For example, Gannan navel orange has a special fruit industry bureau (now Ganzhou Fruit Industry Development Center). Others that have done well, such as Luochuan Apple, also have apple management departments. The so-called “full-time people do professional things”. If the industry wants to develop well, it needs a special competent department, which is a very critical organizational guarantee. The reason why Gannan navel orange can develop well is because of this organizational guarantee.





Second, build an industrial development cooperation system. Industrial development is not a matter for one department. Other relevant departments should cooperate to form a good industrial development atmosphere. Only when we work hard and think together, integrate and make good use of the resources of all parties, can we really do a good job in the industry.

Third, build an industry organization governance system. This mainly refers to the association, that is, the association should play its role. Through industry management, industry training, industry self-discipline, industry services, etc., the association can truly become a home for fruit farmers, a bridge and link between the government and fruit farmers, and a central hub for the development of the service industry.

Only by establishing these three systems can the industrial development be done well.

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